Our category spend specialists have on average over 20 years experience

in their focus category. Most companies are surprised to find that on average, we save them 10% to 40% depending on spend category.

In over 87% of these cases we can save you money without changing vendors.

You’ll get equal or better service levels and product quality.

Plus, there’s no risk and zero cost out of pocket cost

to let our analysts check your contracts.

  • Bank & Credit Line Fees
  • Cleaning Services & Supplies
  • Chemicals & Fertilizers
  • Equipment Purchasing & Leasing
  • Federal Tax Credits – Employee, R&D, Cost Segregation
  • Food & Dietary Services
  • Freight and Logistics
  • HR & Payroll Management Solutions
  • Information Technology Services
  • Insurance – P/C, Health, Workers’ Compensation
  • Medical/Laboratory Supplies
  • Merchant Fees
  • Office Supplies
  • Online & Software Licensing Services
  • Printing & Reprographic
  • Records Management
  • Retirement Benefit Plans
  • Telecommunications – Voice, Data & Mobile
  • Uniforms & Linens
  • Utilities & Energy Consumption
  • Waste Management & Recycling Services


"When we hired you and told you under no circumstances were we changing our banking relationship you said, 'that was fine.' I was truly surprised because I thought the only way we would save money was to change banking institutions. When you reviewed our fees and provided your anaylsis showing us we were over paying by $32,000 in the last year I was flabbergasted. Still surprised but could not have accomplished this without your assistance."

Client since 2014, CFO,

Dental Practice, Milwaukee, WI

"Words cannot express my gratitude to you for all the help you were to me during the sale of my business. First reviewing all of my expenses and getting them to where they should be was amazing. There is not a category that you could not handle. I could not have accomplished this without your business knowledge, your support, and your 'know how!' I thank you and your team so very much and I hope to be able to work again with you in the future."

Florri Beckley CEO,

Your Cleaning Connection, North Potomac, MD

"We were referred to Evolved Profits through an adviser we are using. When Marc reviewed our expenses he noticed we had not claimed any R&D Tax Credits. We are not sure why our existing CPA never suggested we file for those credits. Marc and his CPA R&D Tax Credit team found we did qualify and also provided the forms necessary to amend our past three years returns to recover the overpaid taxes. In addition, he and his team will also support us should the IRS have any inquiries in regards to our amended return for no additional fee."

Client since 2018, CEO,

Robotics Company, East Peoria, IL

"On a monthly basis we got bills for IT services and had no clue if we were really receiving the services that were invoiced. We were referred to Expense To Profit and they reviewed our situation. They suggested we interview two new providers and also include our existing provider whom we liked. They suggested we do a RFP and require the provider be a fixed-price billing model. We no longer worry about unforeseen issues such as malware infections and software upgrades triggering outrageous bills. The fixed-price billing model is a blessing."

Client since 2013, Office Manager,

Law Firm, Washington, DC

"After Evolved Profits was successful in other expense areas we discussed doing a Health Insurance benefits review. We had just received our annual renewal and were surprised that costs were only going to be 2.5% higher. They contacted our current provider and actually secured a reduction of 7% from the prior year. Their analysis provided additional savings of 10% (total 22.5% from original renewal offer) and a better plan for our company. More surprising is this was done while keeping all deductibles and annual limits the same and more benefits."

Client since 2015, HR Director,

Biotechnology Company, Rockville, MD

"Marc and his team reviewed our workers compensation insurance policy. When he asked if we had ever done a claims audit, I replied, “I was not sure but we monitor our claims monthly and our agent takes care of that for us”. After they received our claims history they found 8 claims that were not closed properly and two that were never closed. In addition to getting back over $100,000 in overpaid premiums, our MOD rate was reduced causing a lower renewal rate for the current year. Thank you, what a valuable service."

Client since 2013, President,

Janitorial Cleaning Services, Washington Metro

"Our relationship with Evolved Profits is a true partnership. They have introduced us to solution providers that truly think “outside the box.” As a smaller consulting practice it is always difficult to compete with your larger competitors. Marc and his team have found ways to make that a reality. We are now able to afford to offer benefits that are almost identical to our larger competitors. The monthly reports provided always have new insights into additional solutions we should consider."

Client since 2012, Managing Partner,

Professional Consulting Group, Washington, DC



Applying the Evolved Profits™ Impact you can move your company towards greater purpose and impact with your company from the savings recovered.

Copyright 2020 Expense to Impact